Paul Black – The Why of Christmas – A Christmas Overview
Paul Black talks about why Jesus came and who he is to us. Withouth Jesus there would be no Christmas, so why did he come?
Jon Petts – Remaining in Christ – John 15 – Wednesday Night Live 28-Nov-2018
What does it mean to ‘remain in the vine’ or to ‘abide in Christ’? Jon Petts gives simple explanation and practical application. You need this. 🙂
Jon Petts – Inside Out Part 3 – Outside In
Jon finishes the series with a message explaining Jesus’ heart to see those on the outside of the Kingdom come in. Click here for the PowerPoint 🙂
Jon Petts – Inside Out 2 – The Inside Out Christian
What does the Bible teach about what every Christian has on the inside of them? How can we live an inside out life so that all can see what we have on the inside? Listen to this week’s message to find out! 🙂 (Click here for the PowerPoint)