D&J026 : Ephesians 4:11 Gifts : Pastors, Part 4
Who qualifies to be a Pastor and how are they appointed, if we’re to do things in a biblical manner?
Who qualifies to be a Pastor and how are they appointed, if we’re to do things in a biblical manner?
Read your Bible: If you grew up in church, it’s likely you learnt two songs: “Yes Jesus Loves Me”, and “I WIll Make You Fishers Of Men”. Jon continues exploring the idea that really, those songs contain all we need to know for a full Christian life. Check out these resources to help you with…
David and Jonathan continue their journey through Ephesians 4:11 with their third episode on Pastors! What is the role of the Pastor anyway? Find out here 😉
Pray Every Day: Jon Petts claims that If he had to boil down everything in his brain and only keep 4 truths, he would go back to some of his earliest learning. It’s not learning from school, either. And all from before he was even 7 years old. All four ideas are taken from two…
Is the idea of a leadership team biblical? How about having a Senior Pastor? Is there a president for that in the bible? Or should all ‘elders’ and ‘pastors’ have equal authority. David and Jonathan look to the bible for guidance on how churches should be led today.